Welcome to the Living Universe

This is a short story and fictional non-fiction collection that tells the histories of the Living Universe. It will never truly be complete and will be expanded. There are many places and characters that would be difficult to convey simply through stories, and while there is expansive lore, my hope is that you can enjoy each story by itself, or at least find one that you enjoy. As I build this world, I hope that you can follow along with me to see it grow. The Living Universe is a universe of great magic, great wars, political strife, and personal hardships. Like any universe, it is alive. And like any living thing, it grows and changes. Nothing here is truly set in stone. This also unfortunately means that no name or place is set in stone. And because this collection covers such a vast amount of time, characters will often appear only once, and each story may seem vastly different from the last—different technology and degrees of magic. 

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